image Mike Stuart (c)1995


The Web After Hours

The Web After Hours is a new book featuring alternative web sites and is the first book to feature the Crop Circle Connector (pages 290-291). The book is by Bill Mann and published by Prima Publishing. It can be obtain from Prima Publishing. P.O. Box 1260BK, Rocklin. CA 95677-1260; (916) 632-4400. The book retails at $21.95. It is a valuable reference tool for late night sufting.

Image A.J.Samuels Copyright 1995


Crop Circle info

THE "NEW" CIRCLE COLUMN. A Page For Articles About The Crop Circle Phenomenon And UFOs.

Early Sightings & Reports in 1995

Recent Sightings & Reports in 1995

A Crop Circle Bibliography.

The Gift: The Crop Circles Deciphered.

CCCS - Centre For Crop Circle Studies.

CCCS Crop Circle Calendar 1996.

CCCS Winter Lecture Series. A New Turn of the spiral.

CCCS Crop Circle Postcards 1994-1995 for sale

The 1996 C.C.C.S. Conference.

The Circular Issue 24 Spring 1996

The C.C.C.S. Council and Convenors.

The 1996 Glastonbury Symposium.

Crop Circle services

ROBERT MORNING SKY Presents "Evidence Of Alien Presence Conference"

The Crop Formation Fun Day Saturday 6th July 1996

The SUPERNORMAL Research Conference 1996

Crop Circle Photographs by Steve Alexander.

Quantum Communications A Crop Circle Investigation Project with Paul Anderson.

The Independent Centre for Unexplained Phenomena.

The Book "The Gift" The Crop Circles Deciphered by Doug Ruby.

The Circular Review.


Find the The Equinox Bulletin Board here at end of page.

ENIGMA Journal of I.R.C.U.P.

Peter Sorensen presents a video of The crop circles of 1992-1994

Peter Sorensen's crop circles drawings of 1995

Circular Sussex Crop Circle Video
(AND REVIEW) and the SC Magazine Issue 49,50,51 are out now.

CCCS Sussex Lectures

The Cerealogist Winter issue 1995/96 Out Now!

The Barge Inn Mixing In The Right Circles.

The Cosmic Connection.

Jupiter Powerwear: Crop Circle T-shirts and Sweatshirts.

Other Web sites on Crop Circles

The Circlemakers.

Crop Circle Central
One of the best Crop Circle web sites in the world.

Crop Circles coming to New York.

Dr John Sherwood's research on Crop Circle Harmonics.

Carloyn North's book "Hoax & Happening?"

Crop Circles, Signatures of Sound and Light, by Sharon Warren

Circles of Note, a Bibliography of the Crop Circle Phenomenon, compiled by Michael Chorost

Faking UFOs, by Roel van dereulen

Howard's Crop Circle page

Crop Circle Press

The Alberta UFO Research Association - Crop Circles

MUFON Field of Schemes Crop Circles

New Age Web Works

New Heaven New Earth

Crop Circle Clothing

Image A.J.Samuels.

UFO Web pages

"UFO REALITY" Magazine. The Launch Issue.

The Truth Seekers
A E-Zine on the paranormal, UFO, Crop Circles and Conspires.

NEXUS New Times Magazine.



Alien ARTefacts.

GREYS - R- US. Cuddly greys.

Other UFO etc World Wide Web sites

The Flying Saucer Review.

A Book called "Flute Song" by R. Burleson.
A novel based on the Roswell Incident.

Bufora On-Line

Keelynet UFO

Paranormal Phenomenon - UFO Information

Spirit WWW

Fortean Times Online

The Contact Project

Cosmic Connections

Ron's Homepage

Internet UFO Group - Media

Face on Mars

UFO Directory and Forum

WWW Virtual Library: UFOs

Smitty's UFO Page

The UFO Research Information Clearinghouse.

If you know of any other related sites on the World Wide Web, please let us know so that we can link them from here.

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